I have my fencing already to fence off part of the back yard. I think this week the boys & I are going to start digging post holes so I can get the fence put up then I can start planning what I want to put in there & where. I also have to go get my wood for the garden boxes & some more soil. I have some soil from last year & I have 2 big trash cans of compost that have been "cooking" all winter. I put in an order with
Gurneys earlier this week. I'm getting a walnut tree, blueberry bushes, coffee plant, sweet leaf plant, dwarf orange tree, hibiscus, lavendar, roesmary & some flowers I found on sale. Got an email this morning saying they are shipping today *happy dance* I can't wait to get started. Now I need to sit down & figure out what seeds to order from
seed savers exchange. I want to plant corn, potatoes, peas, beans, lentils, barley, cucumbers, squash, lettuce, herbs......oh the list goes on & on. Sometimes I have to just stop my thoughts & take a deep breath because I get to going so fast. :D I'm happy to say the apple trees are now blooming like the peach trees....yay.
In other good news this is the year I get to get a wood stove!!! I'm so happy! I have wanted one for years & this year finally we can do it. We're getting a bigger model than originally planned b/c we want one that will heat the whole house. The floors upstairs are just not sturdy enough to put a wood stove on so hubby would have to build them up so we decided to get the bigger model & put it in the basement. That just means hubby will have to run the pipe up from the basement to the attic & of course box it in. But that means next winter.......barely there gas bill & lower electric bill. *woot* We have gas heat but even then you electricity powering the blower fan. So now all we'll have for a gas bill is what we have in summer.....just the water heater. I'd like to eventually go off the grid or at least as much as possible. I'm also working towards getting bills low enough that I can quit working. Heading towards that goal I cut the cable off last month. :O I can be home all day and not once turn the tv on and when I do watch tv it's a few of the primetime shows on the main networks. We have a digital tv so add an antenna & voila..... suits my needs just fine. The guy at the cable company didn't seem to agree but since he's not the one paying the bills.........
Sorry there are no pics today - I'll take pics of my pretty apple trees for next time & of course there will be pics of the new plants from Gurneys :)