Wednesday was a really good day here....not sure why I'm just now blogging about it on Sunday but as the saying goes..... "stuff happens". Anyhow the best thing about it was the weather - it was such a gorgeous day! The sun was shining, the temp was almost warm & there was a nice breeze blowing. This caused 2 things to be possible..... 1) I was able to hang laundry out again - I love the smell of sun dried laundry plus I like knowing I'm not wasting electricity running the dryer. & 2) I was able to go sit outside for a little while. For those who know me you know one of my favorite pastimes is sitting in my backyard under my little tree with my netbook & my knitting :)
Also Wed the mailman was extra good to me.....he brought me a package from a friend & no bills!! So here are pics of the contents of my package:

whoppers candy, book darts, a super cute dog christmas tree ornament & stitch markers! All packaged in a cute tin with a bear on it. Thanks D!!
Wed was also when I did something I've never done before..... I made my very first loaf of homemade bread! Not a box mix but from scratch :O
And it was delicious! Youngest kiddo asked me if he could have more after dinner for dessert. This is such a super simple recipe too.
Artisan-Bread-In-Five-Minutes-A-Day Here's some pics of my adventure:

mix all the ingredients together, let it rise & start to fall back down (2-3 hours), then grab a grapefruit sized hunk out, let sit on counter for about 30 min then put it in the oven at 450 for 30 min & voila!
Ok so my loaf looks a bit weird but I made it myself & it tasted awesome so I'm not too worried about the look of it.
And last but not least here's a pic of the baby hats I've gotten done so far....working on the snuggle sack still but it's about halfway done.
Thanks Zeus for being such a good boy & letting me use him as a place to set things to photograph them :)
The hats are cute!!! The bread looks yummy too!