Saturday, May 26, 2012

Meet the Girls.....

Meet the newest members of the family aka the girls :-)
Please pardon the mess known as my backyard as these pics were taken while still in construction phase. The chicken coop was built from pallets & fence panels hubby got for free from his work. The only materials we bought were screws & chicken wire. We already had the boards he used for the door into their run leftover from a previous project & the door to the coop was in our basement not being used. We do plan to put a top on their run to keep predators out & to keep them in when there are no humans out there to monitor. They do get to come out of their run if one of us is out there to keep an eye on them. The city just changed the code so we may be getting 5 more *yay* really looking forward to fresh eggs from humanely kept chickens.

Bessie, Lucille, Hattie Mae, Clara & Matilda

Oldest kiddo & Lucille

Lucille trekking across back yard

the girls hanging out in one of my garden boxes

the chicken coop in progress

finished coop & run side view

finished coop & run front view

Friday, May 25, 2012

A New Vehicle

Well after a very long time of not blogging - I'm back :-)
Today was a very busy day. Started off with a trip to buy a new car (well new to me anyway). I recently had to sell my Range Rover Classic. She was becoming a money pit that I just couldn't handle anymore :-(
So meet the new baby..... a 2005 Ford Escape