So after the mountain of laundry was defeated I moved on to tackle my dresser & all I can say about the amount of clothing in there is just OMG. I have so far gathered 2 boxes of clothing to go to the Rescue Mission & I am nowhere near done. I did find some things I totally forgot I had though including several pairs of shoes *happy dance* oh yeah this girl has a serious shoe addiction in addition to the yarn addiction
Yeah that big pile there......stuff I'm still undecided on. Now Auburnchick would say....undecided? means toss it my friend I can hear her now. But I dunno I need to sort through it again & make some decisions. I have still not even opened the closet door......someone please just kill me now. So I ended on that note with the clothes b/c well I was feeling a bit overwhelmed & lunch time had come & gone and my blood sugar was plummeting. So I ate lunch, worked on the shawl I'm knitting for a friend's mom who is ill & then come dinnertime I decided to hook the oldest boy up & make his favorite dinner...... my homemade lasagna. Yep he was a happy boy! So I was chatting with a friend while cooking who has heard of but never had lasagna so I promised to a)make him some when he finally gets around to visiting me and b) take some pics of the finished product so Sam this is for you :)
Ok so these pictures don't do this dish justice.....this stuff is awesome! My boy does have good taste after all ;)
And for the ending of the day I went to my knitting guild meeting. Yep joined TKGA this year too & am really looking forward to learning new knitting techniques.
I say we by pass all the clothes sorting & get on to the real good stuff the yarn sorting lol. Nice to see you saved me a piece of Lasagna...
ReplyDeleteRae how many times do I have to tell you??? Move back to the east coast more importantly down here to the South near me & you can come stash diving any old time you like & well pull up a chair come dinnertime - I'll set a plate for you every day
ReplyDeleteNow, now. I never said toss the stuff you don't want. I said get rid of it, meaning give it away or whatnot.
ReplyDeleteBTW, it's not nice to put pictures of food on your blog when certain "other" people are not eating that kind of stuff right now.
Sheesh. :D
That's what you get for bragging about loosing weight on the phone yesterday little miss skinny minnie :P
ReplyDeleteHah, all the comments make me laugh! I say put all the clothes, yarn and left overs in the mail. We'll pass the box around, take what we want and then everyone is happy. Just mail to me first ;P Wouldn't want to taunt Chicky with the yummy eats!
ReplyDeleteI had to come back to edit my comment: I just read auburnchick's latest blog post, and apparently she just got some new clothes too. So! I say the goods come to Rae and me, and I promise to share Rae! ;P
ReplyDeleteBethany feel free to swing by & pick up whatever you'd like & I'll feed you while you're here ;)
ReplyDeleteSweet! what a deal!