Woke up today still so sore that going down the stairs was excruciating so needless to say nothing got done here today except the load of laundry I had eldest boy carry down for me (yeah been a long time since I've had to have someone else carry the laundry for me). So all day I've hobbled around doing only what's necessary & trying to massage my leg muscles which feels like digging into a bruise....super fun eh? And crazy me I plan to do it all over again next week once I heal up. I will however limit myself to simple cardio the other 4 days of the week but I will do the workout on the Active at least once a week. Needless to say my finding all my wip's & making decisions on what stays to get finished & what gets frogged & rewound didn't happen today. :(
Maybe I can talk Bean (youngest boy) into helping me with that tomorrow when he gets home or this weekend. But since I did promise pics today I managed to take a few of my stuffed manicotti I made for dinner tonight. I'll let the pictures do the talking.....

Then the hubster baked cookies & no I didn't get pics of them but I did snap a pic of bullyboy doing what he does best......trying to sucker mother into giving him some people food of course :D
How could anyone not love a face like that??
Awww...what a face!
ReplyDeleteYou're going to feel so much better tomorrow, my Friend.
If not, there's always Ben Gay!