So I finished the baby hats for March baby #2! Gave them to the daddy-to-be & he was ever so appreciative. Even told me that handmade gifts mean so much more than store bought gifts.....just what any crafter wants to hear!! Forgot to take pics of the finished hats but there were 3 of them 1-dark blue, 1-light blue & 1-med green. Oh & my package made it to India in 2 weeks! :O
Now how mail makes it to India in 2 weeks but Algeria takes 2 months I will never know....India is a bit further away after all. Gotta love the postal peeps |-(
Anyway so while I've been away I've been busy cleaning.....found small animal cages & water bottles to donate to the wildlife rehab center, more baby stuff for March baby #2, more clothes my kids have outgrown (will they ever stop growing??) & more shoes I had forgotten about *woot* I do love me some shoes lol
I've also been experimenting in the kitchen. I had been stuck in a rut cooking the same few things over & over - how boring right? So I've decided to make some changes. Some things have gone over well ie: Moroccan Lentil Soup...some things not so much ie: Butternut Squash Soup. I've decided that we should consume less meat so I've been making a lot of meatless dishes & I have to say I have felt better for it. Youngest kiddo turned 11 on Monday (2/28/11) and I made his fave which is meat & potatoes with gravy in crock pot & all 3 of the guys said to me "it feels weird eating all this meat". Another big hit here has been the 16 bean can find this bag in any store that sells dried beans. I throw away that little packet of seasonings (ewww what's in there anyway??) and do it myself. Add some boullion of your choice flavor, some various spices of your choice, a little barley for added fiber & let it cook all day. YUMM! Today's experiment is Moroccan Couscous Stew in the crock pot which will hopefully taste as good as it sounds.....recipe here. I altered it slightly....DS#2 is a squash hater so I used potatoes instead (read somewhere that any root veggies are fine) & I added some lentils & barley for a little added bulk since if I just make a soup the guys will not be full & will continue to eat all night long. Oh the joys of teenage boys.
I also found while cleaning the stash of gloves I had collected to send to the reservation.....yeah 36 pairs of gloves ranging from toddler size to 1sz fits all :O
Mailed a box out yesterday containing 15 pairs of 1sz fits all gloves, 12 pairs of toddler sz gloves, 4 long sleeved onesies, 1 sweater vest, 3 1sz fits all hats, 2 pairs of thermal pants & 1 thermal top.
I've already found some more things I had gathered up to send too... 1 box at a time. And last but not least my coworker found out she's having a boy so on to some more baby boy knitting - fun times. I don't think she reads my blog but just in case I'm not posting any details until after she gets what I'm working on :)
She may not read your blog, but I do. So, be careful when you post that you're sending your BFF, Chicky, some fabulous Malabrigo. "She" just might not be surprised (although she would certainly act that way for effect).