Friday, March 25, 2011

What A Day!

So we are finally getting around to some of the remodel projects I've wanted to get done for awhile now. My bathroom being the worst room..... I'm pretty sure there were some good drugs involved in the picking of the color scheme. There's really no other explanation for cream colored walls outside of the shower, seafoam green tile on the walls inside the shower, brick red linoleum on the floors & a dark brown cabinet. All mind you in a teeny tiny bathroom...... nauseous yet?? Well here are some pics to finish you off:

 Now the cabinet has already been removed - hubby did that for me last weekend. The pic is upside down & sideways if that makes sense but I forgot to take
pics before he removed it, halfway destroyed it & tossed it outside so....
We now have a nice white cabinet in there. And today I went & bought ceramic tile to cover that hideous linoleum with  *happy dance*
I'm proud of myself I only spent 2 hours in Lowe's wandering around adding to my wishlist :D
But I came home with backer board & screws - can't lay ceramic tile on just anything ya know. The tile, mortar, grout, trowel,etc. Also picked up an insulator for my water heater - not the most attractive thing but I bet it will save on my gas bill so who cares? Spickets for my rain barrels, a handle for my water faucet in the backyard (thanks to Bully boy eating the last one) and a roll of fencing for the backyard. I still need to figure out what posts I want to use for the fencing & get them but not bad for a days work....
Now for some pretty spring pics - remember last time I talked about my peach & pear trees? Well here you can see first hand:

 these are my peach trees
<------ the one that almost died last year
and this one ------>
is the 2nd one I bought later in the season which is why it's so much smaller. And below we have the pear tree out front.  Behind the Pear tree is 1 of the apple trees. They seem to have been hit harder by winter this year :( but they are all still alive & in fact have little leaves so I'm not too concerned yet.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for new stuff, remodeling, and trees that live!!! You're doing a great job, my friend!!
