pics before he removed it, halfway destroyed it & tossed it outside so....
We now have a nice white cabinet in there. And today I went & bought ceramic tile to cover that hideous linoleum with *happy dance*
I'm proud of myself I only spent 2 hours in Lowe's wandering around adding to my wishlist :D
But I came home with backer board & screws - can't lay ceramic tile on just anything ya know. The tile, mortar, grout, trowel,etc. Also picked up an insulator for my water heater - not the most attractive thing but I bet it will save on my gas bill so who cares? Spickets for my rain barrels, a handle for my water faucet in the backyard (thanks to Bully boy eating the last one) and a roll of fencing for the backyard. I still need to figure out what posts I want to use for the fencing & get them but not bad for a days work....
Now for some pretty spring pics - remember last time I talked about my peach & pear trees? Well here you can see first hand:
these are my peach trees
<------ the one that almost died last year
and this one ------>
is the 2nd one I bought later in the season which is why it's so much smaller. And below we have the pear tree out front. Behind the Pear tree is 1 of the apple trees. They seem to have been hit harder by winter this year :( but they are all still alive & in fact have little leaves so I'm not too concerned yet.
Yay for new stuff, remodeling, and trees that live!!! You're doing a great job, my friend!!