This morning was spent in the garden. I was finishing up the third square foot garden. I needed to put divide it up into sections - didn't have any wood so it's just roped off with string for now. I also planted the last of my seeds - well last until hubby gets some more boxes built for me. I planted carrots, sugar snap peas, cucumbers, zucchini squash, yellow squash, green beans & marigolds. I need 3 more boxes 1 for corn, 1 for potatoes and 1 for more carrots & beans. There are some more pallets here so hopefully it won't be too long now. I'm really looking forward to fresh organic produce this tastes so much better that the pesticide laden stuff from the stores & there's a great sense of accomplishment that comes with knowing you grew it yourself. Next up after all the gardening stuff is set up is building a chicken coop. Oh yeah baby!! Fresh eggs, less trash & toxin free pest control......what's not to love about chickens? So here are some pics of what's going on in the garden:
Your petunias are gorgeous!! I love that purple!!!