Today was all about the garden day. I started off this morning at Lowe's for soil & of course ended up picking up some pretties on the distressed rack. I scored a raspberry plant for $2, a rhododendron for $1.75, a hanging basket of Petunias for $3 & some other flowers for cheap. All these babies need is some tlc & they bounce right back :) So I came home & unloaded the flowers but waited until dusk to unload the soil (the kids were so excited to get to help let me tell you.....) and start planting. I can't work when the sun is up & it's so hot out got up to 100 here today. Hubby built my potato bin yesterday *yay* so I planted them today. Here are some pics of the progress so far:

<---- Potatoes, lima beans & marigolds.
thyme, lavender & echinacea ---->

more hanging baskets --->

<---bulbs (can't remember what flower), catnip, coffee plant & stevia plant
dwarf orange tree, rosemary & more bulbs -->
and the pics above this set are of square foot garden #3 look at all those beans & peas sprouting!
Ok, so you said you started a pair of socks because I didn't call. Had I called, I wouldn't have gotten a hold of you cause you were out SHOPPING!
Love the way your gardens are turning out!